Shaman - Inspired by The Dark Crystal $850
I've always been inspired by the work of Brian and Wendy Froud, and the Dark Crystal has consistently been one of my favorite movies. We were learning about surface decoration in a ceramics class, the this face came alive under my hands with no preconceived idea. Sometimes that's the way it works! Later I did the hands, and then those pieces sat idle in my studio for many months. While walking, I found a stick in the shape of a hunched creature, so I kept it. I had learned how to eco-print about 18 months ago, and was practicing on some nubby silk at home. Nothing was going as I'd hoped and so I tossed the mediocre results into my fabric bin. Then my daughter taught me how to make baskets and I found a blog on how to make knotted fringe on a scarf. I had the idea to make a bowl out of ceramic clay, and I wanted it to look like charred branches with a burnt orange interior. I filled it with small crystal points and suddenly everything came together, and the Shaman was brought into being. Muslin, wool, rabbit fur, beads and shells make up the costuming.
19" from bottom of base to top of head, 22" to top of walking stick.
Base is 10" from front to back.